Weed Girls at Spannabis 2019

Cannabis lovers around the world celebrated 16th edition of the Spannabis in Barcelona. The Weed Girls were present, spending some time with the attendees, distributing Weed Girls Calendar 2019 and more!

Weed Girls at Spannabis 20192019-03-21T12:55:30+00:00

This is Science: the relationship between music and cannabis

Surely you’ve wondered many times why music sounds better in the company of a joint. What you probably did not expect to hear, is that this close relationship is even a matter of science.

This is Science: the relationship between music and cannabis2019-03-14T12:35:33+00:00

Why cannabis causes red eyes?

Red eyes are probably the first and most obvious evidence that someone is high. But have you ever wondered why does that happen?

Why cannabis causes red eyes?2019-03-26T11:51:56+00:00

Three beers, one Weed Girl: Cannabeer Review

Cannabeer is a handcraft Cannabis Beer that has managed to melt two very precious elements for many of us (cannabis and beer) into one.

Three beers, one Weed Girl: Cannabeer Review2019-05-29T13:50:34+01:00

Roll a perfect joint with a perfect girl!

Our girls knows exactly how to do a perfect job in whatever they propose. We asked Weed Girl Allyson to teach us how to roll a perfect joint.

Roll a perfect joint with a perfect girl!2019-04-03T14:05:37+01:00

Top 5 new cities to smoke weed worldwide

Marijuana is being legalized so fast worldwide that it’s hard to keep track of new destinations. So, here are the top 5 new cities to get high.

Top 5 new cities to smoke weed worldwide2019-02-19T11:36:18+00:00

Entrevista de Weed Girls para Vice España

Vice España nos hizo una entrevista recientemente sobre lo que significa ser Weed Girls, aquí les dejamos un fragmento del artículo.

Entrevista de Weed Girls para Vice España2019-07-12T15:37:22+01:00


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