Julia de Lucía’s Photoshoots
Julia de Lucia’s Biography
Beauty and the Weed
She was 23 years old when she had her first time with Mary Jane. She realized that with every puff came the rush, and with the rush, Julia feels calm. Her mind is full of racing thoughts and it’s marijuana what helps her to calm down —that’s why she smokes at least once a day, and when she travels to countries where weed is not legal, she limits herself to tobacco.
“I like every flavor. If you give me parsley, I sure like it”*laughs*
Indica is her favorite. Since she loves the mix with chocolate, Critical is her safest choice. Weed’s taste is something that fascinates her and she likes to try new types all the time.
When she’s high she likes to do nothing so she can relax. But everything has its time and when she goes out partying, she doesn’t smoke 4 joints.
Alcohol or Cannabis?
“…a mojito because I’m partying”
Our sexy Weed Girl prefers marijuana to alcohol, although she might drink a glass of white wine or some mojitos —only when she goes out at night.
“[Marijuana] relaxes me so much that it brings out the best of me.”
Two of the reasons why she doesn’t like alcohol are the dizziness and the taste. Also, with cannabis she can be herself.
When she smokes weed, Julia de Lucia reconnects with her tranquility, the one that constantly loses with daily life stress.
On Being a Weed Girl
Julia de Lucia loves everything about being a Weed Girl, it perfectly combines two great delights in her life: being photographed and smoking weed… What better profession than the one that allows you to do your favorite things in the world?
“I like the team very much, also the environment and the organization.”
Her experience with Weed Girls turned out to be a surprise for her: the atmosphere was very pleasant and friendly.
Let’s Get Physical
She has two tattoos: a big one on her back and another on the inner part of her lower lip.
“It was supposed to be a tiger… it looked like a dead cat”.
The tattoo on her back is the work of five different tattooists. She got it when she was 21 and she’s been modifying it little by little since then —she didn’t like at all.
She would like to get more tattoos, like a crane bird on her hand; but becoming a tattooed porn actress might put her in another category in the industry, a less popular one.
She has always liked her long legs and her big ass. It’s something that has given her a lot of popularity in the pornography industry.
Light My Fire
“You better not give me any presents or I’ll make a scene”.
She is a woman that doesn’t like surprises and usually gets upset if she gets something she doesn’t like. If you want to get to this Weed Girl’s heart, she admits that her heart melts when somebody remembers her tastes on things. If she says she likes something at a particular moment, remember that and go and get it later.
“… [the body] is something you can work on”
Physically, she likes somebody who’s got a great smile and expressive eyes. She is not the type of person who focuses on the body —if it’s completely necessary, you can always start exercising.
“When you’re in love, you accept everything”.
She prefers independent, fun people, who likes to laugh and make her laugh. Those are the qualities she’s looking for in her partner’s personality. Honesty is above all, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t like what you have to say —hearing the truth is better than lying, always—, true love endures it all.
Her Spirit Animal
She is a dog woman and she prefers small dog breeds. She feels represented by the canines, and although she likes to be alone, she always need to be in touch with people. Like her favorite animal, Julia is a loyal woman and a true friend.
“He was also a porn actor… we were used to it”.
Our crazy model is brave and she’s dying to visit Dubai and do parachute. She’s a free spirit and has no restrictions. One of the moments of pure craziness she remembers the most, is that time when she had sex with a porn actor in a shopping mall. She remembers they were by the stairs and it was very fun —teasing the security cameras and the situation itself.
Personal Life
Weed is not the only thing that clears her mind. Cleaning is a home activity that calms her. On the contrary, she doesn’t like to cook at all. In a relationship, she would be the one who cleans and he, the one who cooks.
She likes to go to electronic music concerts as well as rock concerts. Each musical genre has its moment, and Julia de Lucia listens to rock, pop, techno and reggaeton depending on the situation.
“Julia is too extravagant for Romania”.
She describes herself as a very responsible person, yet she doesn’t deny her wild and very temperamental side. She is a girl who defines herself as ‘very extravagant’. She is a very honest woman, she admits she doesn’t have any filters when communicating with people.
Hear Me Roar
Julia de Lucia never thought about being a porn actress, but life had many surprises for her. She lived in Mallorca and she was looking for a job as go-go dancer, but the work situation was not the ideal and she had trouble getting a job.
One night, she was with a friend at a dance club and started dancing on the bar. Her energy attracted the attention of the owner and he offered her a job.
“I was freaking out. I hadn’t been with a woman before… “
At first, she thought the job she got was as a dancer, but the owner of the club explained to her that they did sex shows. She said yes with no hesitation. She had no idea what she was getting into, but she accepted anyway.
On her first day, she had sex with two girls in front of 300 people. Until then, she had never been with women. She just let herself go and experienced this very new situation, one she never thought she would do.
She still remembers the adrenaline and the receptivity of the audience. It was very gratifying for her.
“She asked me if I wanted to do porn. That’s how she became my manager for two years “
On the same night, she met who became her manager for almost two years. After her first big debut, one of the girls she had sex with approached her and asked her if she wanted to do porn. After a resounding yes, Lucia’s got her first manager.
A Critical Woman
She thinks the biggest problem that needs to be solved in Romania is the labor supply. One of the most critical problems in her birth country is the lack of employment. Those who graduate from college not always get the chance to work in their field.
“Let everyone smoke marijuana.”
For her, cannabis should be legalized everywhere. Marijuana should not be criminalized.
Julia de Lucía
“If I make a comedy movie or a sitcom, I can die in peace.”
Julia de Lucia is an adult film actress and erotic model. Her biggest dream is to be an actress in a film or a comedy series. Although she hasn’t reached the goal yet, she’s satisfied with everything she has achieved with her own effort.
This Weed Girl was born in Romania and currently lives in Barcelona. By the time we met her on her first Weed Girl session, she has been living in Spain for almost 11 years (she lived in Valencia, Mallorca and Marbella before).
One of her favorite places in the world is Thailand, a country where she would like to spend her old age. In Thailand, she feels she wouldn’t need any material possessions, it’s a place to enjoy food, the beach, the culture and your inner peace. Although she is afraid of diving, she prefers the beach to the mountain. She loves the sun and the water, being in the sea makes her feel good and relaxes her.
“I’m sending you to Honolulu!”
Honolulu, Hawaii, is a destination she has on her bucket list. When she was little and behaved badly, her mother used to tell her that she would send her to Honolulu. She is very excited to go there and tell her mother that she has finally reached that destination.
What she admires most in life are her parents and the relationship they have. She would love to have a family like the one they created. Julia feels truly admiration for her parents and for those people who have earned respect.